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Stress Management for the Holidays

Writer's picture: Matthew GayMatthew Gay

Whether you’re single, married, a parent, an aunt, a corporate worker, or a business owner, the holidays may be one of the most stressful times of the year for you. A Harvard study revealed that sixty-two percent of respondents described their stress level as “very or somewhat” elevated during the holidays. Only 10 percent reported no stress during the season. In part, this is caused by the way our culture has shape-shifted this season into a buying frenzy. The pressure parents feel to give their children the best, the pressure spouses and single parents feel to do more than they already do, the events, the travels, and financial demands can weigh us down. Though we know Jesus is the reason for the season, we feel obligated to rise to the occasion of all that's happening around us, even though many of us were barely holding on before the season began. 

With all this stress, you may experience weight gain, low energy, moodiness, and many other symptoms, which make the holiday season something it doesn’t have to be. Though we all love the lights, smells, music, flavors, and memories, it's time for us to deal with the elephant in the room—our stress levels. I’d like to share some biblical ways you and I can get through this holiday season with the peace of God in our hearts and the lowest stress levels possible.

#1  Practice being present

Matthew 6:34: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

One of the most freeing revelations is that you can’t control tomorrow. Now, it's easy to see why that would stress some of us out, but the truth is, this gives you permission to focus on today. Of course, you want to think ahead in certain ways, but the primary focus of your attention and energy should be on what you can control today. The holidays come with a lot of “what ifs,” but if we sit back and enjoy what God is doing, we’ll see that the “what ifs” become “so what?” We know that God works all things together for the good of those who love him. We know that his ways are above our own. We also know that he is both omniscient and sovereign. With this in mind, allow the “what ifs” to become “So what?” If x, y, or z happens, trust God.

God wants us to be present so that we can listen to Him rather than operate out of compulsion, fear, and stress. He doesn't want us trying to play his role. Rather, he wants us to serve, live, and bear fruit in real-time. He wants us to trust him with the “what if” scenarios. So lay that burden at the feet of Jesus and take each day one at a time.

#2 Make this a Season of Prayer

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. - Philippians 4:6

The holiday season is, above all, about celebrating the birth of Jesus. His birth, life, death, and resurrection have resulted in the spiritual birth and salvation of billions. But instead, we can make this holiday season about the present, the money, what we don’t have, who we can’t see, and so on. It’s a lot to carry around for an entire month. Of course, we mourn lost loved ones, and of course, we should be generous if we can, but what's the heart of this season about? When we become prayerful and thankful about what God wants us to care most about, we find our stress levels decreasing and our joy rising. 

Let this season be a season where you really double down on your time spent with the Lord in prayer, devotion, and thanksgiving. Devote time every day to prayer and petition regarding those around you and the things that are heavy on your heart. Read his words with intentionality. Seek it for truths that uplift and correct you. Jesus is the prince of peace, so you can expect that more time spent with him will only lead to a greater sense of the peace only He can provide.

#3 Surround Yourself with the Right Folks

Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad. - Proverbs 12:25

Left to my own devices, I can easily make a mountain from a molehill. It is not something I want to do but a natural tendency of my brain. You may find it easy to turn a small problem into a big deal. Well, the answer is not in isolating yourself to the point of driving yourself crazy. It's in the Christian community. Sharing your burden with a friend, pastor, family member, or coach is one of the best antidotes for a stressed-out season. We need each other, and when we are able to share in each other's pain or anguish, we alleviate the pressure and carry the weight together.

Think of the people and communities you can surround yourself with this holiday season. Is it the church family you have, a few close friends, or the FIT Church United Facebook Group? How can you allow them to help you carry the weight of your burdens? This doesn't mean you need to offload on them; it's just that you share what’s weighing you down. This way, they can pray for you, encourage you, and maybe even offer some advice to help you. Don't sit in isolation with your problems. That’s where the enemy does his best work.

#4 Be Diligent

This one can be supported by scriptures like Proverbs 13:4, Proverbs 10:4, Galatians 6:9, and 1 Corinthians 15:58. The theme hear is a hand that acts with purpose. We can get lazy this time of year because it has the holidays written all over it. Lazy about work, lazy about our diet, and lazy about everything else. It should be no surprise that this causes problems for us, which only leads to more stress. Proverbs 10:4 says, ‘A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” Wherever you lack discipline, you will lack freedom, and at the end of the day, whether you have a lot in the bank or not, that's what richness is all about. It’s so easy to feel trapped when your life is stacked with to-dos and obligations.

Rather than live reactively towards your responsibilities, live proactively. Find ways to approach the demands of your life more efficiently. Determine what actually matters and find ways to make it easier for you to excel in those areas. Essentially, set yourself up for success by doing the most important things first and leaving the optional, busy tasks for later in the day. Don’t let this part of the year be one of slack, laziness, and regret. Rather, take the initiative and end the year strong. 

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